The ceremony celebrated academic excellence by presenting 14 gold medals and 14 silver medals to the first and second rank holders across 14 disciplines. Additionally, the Overall Best Academic Performance award in the PG program was conferred upon Mrs. Parnika T Y, M.Tech in Highway Technology, in recognition of her outstanding academic achievement.
Sri Parashuraman, Chairman, Karnataka State Development Council, delivered an inspiring address to the graduates. He celebrated their accomplishments while highlighting India’s transformative growth through initiatives like "Make in India" and advancements in green technologies. Stressing the importance of values such as teamwork, humility, and social responsibility, he shared insights from his professional journey, including the Toyota Way principles and quality circles. He encouraged graduates to embrace challenges, drive innovation, and contribute positively to society.
The event commenced with a welcome address by Principal Dr. K N Subramanya. The ceremony was presided over by Dr. M P Shyam, President of RSST, with Nikhil Murthy, Assistant Secretary of RSST, and Dr. Geetha, Vice Principal, also gracing the occasion. The event saw the participation of trustees, members of the academic and governing bodies, RVCE faculty, staff, and proud parents, adding to the grandeur of the celebration.