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Dozee Shravan - AI-Powered Remote Parent Health Monitoring Service Launched For NRIs

Enabling NRIs to remotely monitor their parents' health with real-time alerts for early detection of any critical health deterioration
Bangalore | Written by: BNN | Updated: 09-10-2024 | Views: 461
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Dozee, India’s Health AI leader, has unveiled Dozee Shravan, a clinical-grade AI-powered Remote Parent Monitoring (RPM) service. Monitoring a parent’s health while living overseas is a significant concern for the Indian diaspora. Dozee Shravan now enables families abroad to regularly track their parents' health in India. Dozee’s AI-powered, contactless remote health monitoring technology is designed for seamless use by the elderly. The health data is securely shared with both families and healthcare providers. Dozee’s continuous health monitoring and real-time alerts help detect subtle deviations in vital parameters, ensuring timely medical intervention. As India’s No. 1 Remote Patient Monitoring company, Dozee is trusted by over 280 leading hospitals across the country.

For millions of NRIs, distance from ageing parents in India poses critical health management challenges. Existing support systems—occasional check-ins, help from relatives and neighbours, and limited telemedicine—offer limited reassurance and often fail during emergencies. The lack of effective early detection mechanisms leads to poor health outcomes, as manageable conditions are overlooked until it’s too late. Currently available solutions frequently fall short; many elderly individuals find them uncomfortable or forget to use, charge, or maintain them. Real-time, continuous data monitoring and alerting is another gap that must be addressed. This underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive, clinically proven, real-time monitoring solution that is accurate, dependable, and user-friendly—empowering families to care for their loved ones from afar while adhering to international standards of data security and privacy.

Dozee’s Shravan addresses this gap by offering continuous, contactless monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and sleep patterns. Built on AI-powered Ballistocardiography, the system uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze biomarkers and provide timely alerts for any deviations, reducing the risk of health emergencies and enabling timely medical intervention. The technology is US FDA-cleared and adheres to international standards for data privacy. Health data can be accessed via a user-friendly mobile app, ensuring that NRIs stay connected to their parents’ health 24/7, regardless of distance.

Already a trusted partner of more than 280 hospitals across India, the USA, and Africa, Dozee has emerged as a beacon of ‘Made in India’ Health AI, delivering global impact. With Shravan, Dozee enters a new chapter, offering NRIs clinical-grade solutions to manage the health of their elderly parents in India.

“Shravan embodies the essence of parental care in Indian culture. Caring for our parents is deeply rooted in our society. While the Indian diaspora continues to make us proud globally, managing their parents’ health from afar remains a major concern. With Dozee Shravan, NRIs can now be reassured that their parents in India are continuously monitored and cared for, allowing them more quality time and peace of mind.” said Mudit Dandwate, CEO & Co-Founder, Dozee.


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