All these years, whenever a national calamity has taken place, the Federation has contributed whatever possible to the Government towards the calamity funds and various state levels.
Now as a responsible organisation and citizen of the country, the Federation has earmarked a sum Rs. Five Crores towards the latest Global Pandemic - COVID 2019, Out of this Fund three and half crores has been earmarked for the PM CARES FUNDS and donations to various state governments towards COVID 19 relief fund where Natural Stone operation is being done. Balance has been earmarked for other facilities like providing Health care facility like Ambulance, Ventilators, Pure drinking water facility to the stone clusters etc. across the country which will be done during this financial year.
Contributions will be sent to the respective funds including the PM CARES FUNDS in due course.
It is not out of place to mention that the Federation has already contributed Rs.10,00,000/- towards ambulance to Jigani sector in Bengaluru Urban District and Jalore sector in Rajasthan, Pure drinking RO water plant to Kagalavadi Panchayat at Chamarajanagar towards its social responsibility.