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Vasstu Samrat KK Giridhar Raju receives Honorary Doctorate at Malaysia

KK Giridhar Raju awarded an Honorary Doctorate ( Doctorate of Letters ) at a convocation held in Mayasia , conferred by Commonwealth Vocational University , Kingdom of Tonga, for outstanding contribution, dedication and achievements towards society and nation in the field of SANKHYA JYOTHISYHA VEDIC VAASTU SHASTRA (Vedic Vaastu , Astrology and Numerology), the award ceremony was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 26th March 2023, the ceremony was graced by the presence of Dr. Maszlee Malik, former Minister of Education Malaysia, who served as the chief guest of the day. It was a proud moment for Mr. Raju and his family, friends, and colleagues.
Bengaluru | Written by: BNN Team | Updated: 30-03-2023 | Views: 978
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100% Solution for All Your Problems? Check this out.

We are all grappling with some or the other problem, but sometimes a solution may be staring us at the face, which we refuse to see or consider.
That’s in short, the believe-it-or-not kind of story retold again and again by a celebrity guru whose fame extends to all of India and beyond.
Vaastu is the story-line behind the man who can indeed be described as a fortune-teller par excellence, K.K. Giridhar Raju, a Vaastu expert cum astrologer and numerologist.
We are all grappling with some or the other problem, but sometimes a solution may be staring us at the face, which we refuse to see or consider.
That’s in short, the believe-it-or-not kind of story retold again and again by a celebrity guru whose fame extends to all of India and beyond.
Vaastu is the story-line behind the man who can indeed be described as a fortune-teller par excellence, K.K. Giridhar Raju, a Vaasthu expert cum astrologer and numerologist.
‘Show me your friends, and I will tell you your character’, goes a famous saying.
Vaastu Giridhar says: Show me your house and I will tell your past, present and future.

100% solution!

Not just tell your future, but fulfil what you desire. Give you a 100% solution for your current problems – health, wealth, peace of mind, child birth, or whatever it may be.
Can this ever be possible? Is it not like something that sounds too good to be true?
The fact is, Vaastu Giridhar over the past three decades has solved myriad problems of nearly one lakh people! He has handled National and International clientele including Central Ministers, Chief Ministers, Entrepreneurs, Temple authorities, Ashrams, and also various Industries like Hotel, Manufacturing, Retail, Schools, etc.

His USP: Delivering 100% solutions, 100% of the time.

Spiritual Signal like Six Sigma!
In corporate lingo, Vaastu Giridhar’s track record of delivering 100% results to 100% of his one lakh customers, is similar to six sigma, but in his case, it is a spiritual signal.
What exactly is this spiritual signal and how does it work all the time? It is actually a science based on law of nature and since they are immutable, there’s no way they can fail or not deliver, says Vaastu Giridhar.
This is no magic, he insists, and is derived from a vast and deep; understanding of the science of Vaastu and other shastras or ancient Indian texts.

Devout beginnings

Sri K.K. Giridhar was born in Tirupati in a middle-class family and from the beginning has been an ardent devotee of Goddess Shakti, thanks to his orthodox upbringing by his devout parents. After finishing his schooling in Tirupati, he moved to Bangalore where he completed his commerce degree (B.Com) from MES College.
Astrology is in his genes as his grandfather and uncle were both astrologers, while his interest in Vaastu deepened during his days in Chennai.
The fascination with the architectural science as ordained in Vaastu Shastra knew no bounds and soon Giridhar was on his way to become an acclaimed expert.

In-depth Domain Expertise

As a pupil of Vyasa Swamij of Hyderabad and Mahaveer Thulai of Delhi, Giridhar has deeply studied all ancient texts on Vaastu Shastra including Samarangana Sutradhara, Vishvakarma Prakshaka, Narada Samhita, Bhrigu Samhita written by Varaha Mihira, Ravana Samhita, Mayamatha, Shilpa Shastra (temple construction and statues) and dedicated tomes on house vaastu, palace vaastu, town planning, city planning, temple construction and statues.

He has also extensively studied books on Astrology and Numerology attributed to more than 18 sages.

His work has taken him all over the country, across Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Orissa, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Kolkata, Lucknow, Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmadabad, Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc.

With his 3-decade old track record of practice as a Vaastu Consultant, Giridhar has won many awards and his fame extends to not just all of India, but across the globe.

Awards won by Vaastu Giridhar

Vaastu Samrat presented by Smt. Pratibha Patel at a Vaastu Seminar ion held in New Delhi.
Mother Theresa award in Bangalore (2021)
IB Vaastu Jyothishya Brahma, Vaastu Vachaspati & Vaastu Rathnakara by Icons of Indian Business
International Exclusive Star Award 2023 by MOARD Foundation
India Icon Awards 2023 by Blindwink
Conferred with Award of Honour by Exclusive World Records
Doctorate of Philosophy by Thames International University, Paris
Certificate of Appreciation presented by Global Human Rights Council, USA

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